Tiny Seed Farm is partnering with North Hills Community Outreach to launch a "Pay It Forward" Share Program.

This program aims to make fresh, locally grown food accessible to all members of the community, in partnership with NHCO and their mission of addressing the needs of people in crisis, hardship, and poverty.

Tiny Seed Farm is inviting the community to "pay it forward" with community supported agriculture (CSA) supporting community.

We are asking you to contribute what you can towards shares to be donated to NHCO for distribution by them. NHCO operates three food pantries in Northern Allegheny County, including Allison Park, Millvale and Avalon. NHCO helps feed the thousands of adults and children that utilize their food pantries and we want to invite you to be part of their efforts in tandem with Tiny Seed Farm.

For every 5 shares donated through Tiny Seed Farm, Tiny Seed Farm will donate an additional share!

Our goal is to get 15 small shares worth of donations.

So, do what you can to contribute to the community, those in need and local agriculture.

Together we can support the community with community supported agriculture.

Tiny Seed Farm believes in the power of the people and the importance of everyone having access to fresh, healthy food.  We can make this a reality together.

We urge you to check out the following warriors for food justice and help or donate in any way you can!

-Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

-North Hills Community Outreach

-412 Food Rescue

-Steel City Food Not Bombs

We want to thank everyone for there efforts...THANK YOU!